Join the Hightower After School Programs!
REGISTRATION is open now!




Mondays: Play-Well TEKnologies (LEGO), K-2 & 3-5  
Click HERE to register for Play-Well TEKnologies (LEGO).


Tuesdays: Cooking with Chefsville, 3rd-5th Grade

Click HERE to register for Cooking with Chefsville.

Wednesdays: Art with Savannah, 3rd-5th Grade

Click HERE to register for Art with Savannah.

Thursdays: Golf Squad, Kinder-5th Grade

Golf Squad is FULL.

See the graphic below for more info on each program!
Per PISD, the program is required to have a parent volunteer at each class. If a parent does not sign up to be a program-long volunteer, parents will be expected to volunteer for one week per student. If no parent signs up for a particular session, the class for that day will be canceled and no refunds will be given.

Staff Favorites

Celebrate our amazing staff!


Whether it's a birthday treat, a holiday present, or just because, shower our staff with things they love! Click HERE to find your child's teacher or a beloved staff member something special.

Membership: Join the PTA!

Joining the PTA is quick and easy!

Click HERE to get started!

Join Hightower PTA today and support your child's teacher, school, and education!



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