Your Hightower PTA membership is good for the current school year only and must be renewed for each school year. To get the most out of your Hightower PTA membership, follow each step & quick links in our Easy Step-by-Step Guide below.


Step 1: Update and/or complete your Parent & Student or Faculty Profile here. You must complete this step first before any order forms (Membership, Yearbook, etc.) become available.


Step 2: Purchase your Annual PTA Membership here.


Step 3: Select your Directory & Publish Preferences here.


Step 4: Select your Volunteer Preferences here.


Step 5: Sign up to receive PTA News and Event Reminders here.


Step 6: Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook here.


Step 7: Order your 2024-2025 Spirit Wear here.


Step 8: Download the 2024-2025 school supplies list by grade level to purchase your own school supplies. Our school supplies sales closed on July 1st, but you can download the list to purchase what you need. 


Step 9: Make a Donation here directly to the PTA to help support programs and events.  


Step 10: Follow Hightower PTA on Facebook hereThis is our #1 way to get news out to parents quickly on a daily basis!


Step 11: Subscribe to our Calendar here. Sync our calendar with yours and never miss an important date again!        

Step 12: Update your PISD Volunteer Background Check here.  


Need help or have a question? Contact VP1-Membership, at


Thank you for your support! We look forward to another amazing school year!

Staff Favorites

Celebrate our amazing staff!


Whether it's a birthday treat, a holiday present, or just because, shower our staff with things they love! Click HERE to find your child's teacher or a beloved staff member something special.

Membership: Join the PTA!

Joining the PTA is quick and easy!

Click HERE to get started!

Join Hightower PTA today and support your child's teacher, school, and education!



Calendar of Events

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